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Governing Board
On 20 April this year, the annual general meeting of members of the Latvian pig farmers Association took place.
Elected as a Member of the Management Board Dzintra Lejniece (pictured). Elected to the composition of the Council Agris Bokvalds, Aivars Kokts, Jurģis Krastiņš, Raitis Krūmiņš, Kristaps Melbārdis, Rimma Romanova, Alex Rasmussen Skovgaard, Ilvars Strazdiņš and Anna Tenisa. Congratulations!
At the general meeting, Dace Freimanis, head of the common market division of the Ministry of Agriculture's market and direct support department, presented the nature and conditions of establishment of producer organisations to those present.
LAD direktors Ģirts Krūmiņš sniedza informāciju par aktuālajām izmaiņām, noteikumiem u.c. informāciju 2023. gadā.
Biruta Ingilavičute, Deputy Director of the Rural Development support Department of LR ZM, informed about state aid and its distribution to farmers in sectors and current legislation.
Thank you to the lecturers, managers and participants!